John Lehrer argues that art and science need to be more intertwined in society today. Society has taken a more scientific view of the world the past few centuries, leaving art, and religion in the shadow. having an alternative view such as an artistic view uses the entire other side of the brain. This thinking can allow humans to explore answers attempted to be solved with science instead solved with an artistic approach. The mystery of the universes questions cannot all be answered through science, and having the ability to approach it from a different angle is an opportunity that we have to take in order to solves those questions.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle- The concept that there is a limit to what we can learn about nature and quantum particles.
Bridging Principle- concept of neurological activity of brain cells creating consciousness.
Reductionism- The practice of analyzing and describing a complex phenomenon in terms of different phenomena that are held to represent a simpler level of event.
Synapse- The junction at which a nerve cell connects to a dendrite of another nerve cell to pass an electric or chemical signal.
Epiphenomenon- a product of of a process that has no effect on the process.
Holistic Perspective- Looking at a person spiritually, physically, and emotional. An ideology of healing.
Metaphor- Describing a likewise situation without using like or as.
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