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Month: March 2018

Blog 11

The images above show the writing strategies applied to my essay from chapter 12 in they say I say. The red highlights are phrases that I have repeated often which are “both sides of the brain”, “potential”, and “approach.” This has shown me that i can either substitute these for different words or phrases at times or change them all together. The blue highlight is the use of key terms such as brain, science, and art. Seeing the use of these key terms in every paragraph of my paper shows that I keep on top of my idea for the paper and don’t stray off topic. The pink highlights are for good transitions in the paper. I have these in every paragraph, and I’m satisfied with how many I have in the paper.

Blog 10

John Lehrer argues that art and science need to be more intertwined in society today. Society has taken a more scientific view of the world the past few centuries, leaving art, and religion in the shadow. having an alternative view such as an artistic view uses the entire other side of the brain. This thinking can allow humans to explore answers attempted to be solved with science instead solved with an artistic approach. The mystery of the universes questions cannot all be answered through science, and having the ability to approach it from a different angle is an opportunity that we have to take in order to  solves those questions.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle- The concept that there is a limit to what we can learn about nature and quantum particles.

Bridging Principle-  concept of neurological activity of brain cells creating consciousness.

Reductionism- The practice of analyzing and describing a complex phenomenon in terms of different phenomena that are held to represent a simpler level of event.

Synapse- The junction at which a nerve cell connects to a dendrite of another nerve cell to pass an electric or chemical signal.

Epiphenomenon- a product of of a process that has no effect on the process.

Holistic Perspective- Looking at a person spiritually, physically, and emotional. An ideology of healing.

Metaphor- Describing a likewise situation without using like or as.


Blog #9

The Immediate context of this piece of writing includes the background about himself. His grammies, when he began playing the cello, which was at five years old. The recognition he received at the Kennedy Center and where he graduated from school are also part of the immediate context. It also describes contributors to the same paper he was published on, and his advocation for STEAM. We learn that he is a pioneer of innovative thinking and the addition of arts to the stem core of education.

The imposed context would be what I feel or think while reading this essay and why I chose to read this essay. I began reading this essay because it was homework for english, but I soon became interested in what he had to say because of how I related to him. I as well played a musical instrument from a very young age, and this doing that did make me empathetic and well connected with the artistic side of my brain. I agree that stem should also include the arts, as they are a very important aspect to our culture and society. The problem I see with arts in society is that they do not make money that is seen as comfortable by society. Artists choose to go into art because the truly enjoy what they do. Many people who go into sciences do it because they are good at it and it can support a family comfortable.

the internal context refers to the why of the paper. Why does it matter that we incorporate arts into education? Ma says that incorporating arts into the core of of stem will cover both ends of the spectrum and perfect the “edge effect.” having members of society push both sides of the spectrum brings the world closer together and allows humans to better empathize with one another.

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