Titus Kaphar approach to art is not on a massive scale such as the EA.  He is doing what he can to change the minds of those who view paintings to look deeper into those being oppressed from within, and asks the viewer to make amendments to our country’s current historical sculptures and paints by creating knew ones right along side them that reflect our current views and societal norms. He confronts the topic of racism without ever mention the word, which I found interesting. he always referred to the people in the works of art he discussed as characters portrayed by the author. Kaphar’s approach to influential art was original, irreplaceable, unless someone where to begin doing copying his work, and impactful.

Southan has a more negative idea about art’s ability to influence the world, as on multiple occasions he writes that artists are replaceable. the EA claims that all artists are selfish and that the only way to contribute to society is to donate a large some of money so they can use that money in a way they see fit to make a difference. Kaphar’s choice to not only allow his paints to make a visual comment on his view of society but do TED Talks on why he does these paintings gives him a lot more exposure and spreads his message to an audience that would not normally go to art galleries. Southan’s assumption that artists have little originality and can be replaced at anytime and have little effect in societal contribution is hard for me to see his point of view when Kaphar is directly confronting our nations history of oppression by creating knew works of art right along side the old ones to show our knew much more accepting culture.